Hallettsville is....
The Best Time in Texas!
For arena booking and more information
Call: 361-798-1600
RV & Stalls - No reservations needed or required
(First come - First Serve - We have plenty spaces available) Please pay at the concession stand - $25 per night.
Email: hallettsville@lavacaexpo.com
Lavaca Exposition Association, Inc.
is a Texas Non-Profit Corporation
located at 449 CR 200 / PO Box 743
Hallettsville, Texas 77964
Call: 361-798-1600
RV & Stalls - No reservations needed or required
(First come - First Serve - We have plenty spaces available) Please pay at the concession stand - $25 per night.
Email: hallettsville@lavacaexpo.com
Lavaca Exposition Association, Inc.
is a Texas Non-Profit Corporation
located at 449 CR 200 / PO Box 743
Hallettsville, Texas 77964